Core Values

Gwersyllt Congregational Church Website

We are worshipers. It fulfils our humanity as people made in God’s image. It both glorifies him and is the most satisfying thing a human being can ever enjoy. We want to discover more of this together. The greatest passion of our lives is to know Jesus. As we live in his presence, we are transformed into his likeness and God’s glory shines out through our lives. We do not see Sunday as an end in itself but as a tool shed where we are equipped for Monday morning worship. The worship of our lips leads to the worship of our lives. It is 24/7


We are missionaries. We see ourselves as being in a missionary situation and are committed to taking the good news about Jesus to those around us and those who haven’t heard, however far away they are and however difficult it might be. We are not waiting for people to come to us. Our goal is to make the gospel accessible to people, communicated where they are and in a way they understand. We recognize there is a cost in achieving this. It means we have to step out of our comfort zone and take risks for the sake of the gospel but we are willing to do it because that’s what Jesus did for us and the rewards far out weigh the cost. Although we have a wide range of meetings organized as a church for evangelism, we believe the no.1 way to achieve this goal is through ongoing personal contact with people. To this end we aim to resource, train, encourage and support each other in making Jesus known in our daily lives.


We are travellers. Becoming a Christian is the beginning of a journey, not the end. It is the beginning of our new life. That life becomes stronger as it is nurtured and fed. We long to reach the goal for which God redeemed us, that is to become like Jesus. Therefore we are committed to helping each other grow. This means putting the Bible at the centre of our times together. It is through the Bible, God’s Word that we have come to receive this new life and it’s through that same Word that we grow. The emphasis is contemporary, personal and practical since we have no interest in becoming spiritual eggheads, full of knowledge and short on life transformation. We are committed to helping each other put God’s Word into effect in our lives in the real world. Discipleship takes central place in our long term strategy. We want our church to reach maturity. This requires equipping and nurturing each person to use their gifts for the benefit of the whole Body. We are working for the day when Jesus’ church will be perfect and complete, not lacking anything.


We are a family. We want to care for each other in the same way Jesus cares for us. By displaying the love and unity of the new community God is making we can be used to breathe new life into the local community where we live and attract people to Christ. It is the way the world sees the reality of our message. Our fellowship with each other is also vital to our daily spiritual health and progress